Doing exercise – Your next steps

Review your notes for how you could be part of creating change in your museum. Identify two priority actions from these ideas for you to take forward.

You’ll find space in slide 2 of the downloadable Action Plan to list and identify your additional priority actions.

Combine these with the priorities you identified in the last section. This should give you up to 5 priorities to take forward.

Take each priority in turn and start listing or mind-mapping the actions you could take to deliver this priority.

Try to make these direct and action focussed – for example by leading each idea with a ‘doing’ word – such as Meet // Arrange // Organise // Speak to.

If suitable, add a potential timeframe for delivering your actions.

There’s space on slides 3 -7 of the downloadable Action Plan to list actions against your priorities.

Spend 10 minutes recording your ideas.