Watching exercise – Experiences of racism

Please watch ‘Everyday racism: what should we do?’ by Akala for the Guardian. This film is 3 minutes 46 seconds.

Please watch ‘Eliminating Microaggressions: The Next Level of Inclusion’ by Tiffany Alvoid for TEDxOakland. This film is 9 minutes.

Please watch ‘Racism in the UK: I feel like an alien’ a short film sharing experiences of racism by BBC News. This film is 2 minutes 45 seconds and can be viewed here

Once you’ve watched these films, spend 5 minutes recording your reflections in your notes, considering the following prompts:

  • What, if anything, would you do differently?
  • Can you describe what happened? What was your role?
  • Can you think of an occasion working in a museum when one or more of the issues raised in these films came up? This could be witnessing or being informed of racist behaviour and/or becoming aware of or experiencing microaggressions.