Reflecting Exercise – Project Slippage

Even with the most generous project plan, with agreed contingencies, events outside of your control, and the control of the community may mean there are delays. The complexities and nuance of a community partnerships may contribute to this, so think about the following:

  • How would your partnership and funders feel if success came more slowly than expected?
  • Would reporting on this be different if funds to support emerging partnerships came from core funds or project funds?
  • What can be put in place to ensure a sense of pace and success if there is no time-limited project to deliver?  

This should take about 30 minutes. Please make notes in your reflection document.

The recent Pandemic situation has meant that not only have there been delays but projects have been placed on hold, as part of your project development think about other opportunities to engage and work together, if we enter a similar situation in the future.