Reflecting Exercise – Collections and Objects

This is a chance to be imaginative when thinking about what you can offer to local groups and communities.

Think about something in the collection that you are particularly interested in, for example: sport, silk, water, equality, engines, music, art, food and drink, oil in paintings, names of streets, animals.

Think about how this might link with a local community group. Could this be the foundation of a co-curated project?

For example, you may want to:

  • Work with a local community garden to create an area of plants and trees depicted in a historical painting or wallpaper.
  • Recreate a piece of furniture with a local carpentry college.
  • Invite community groups to do some ‘blue-sky thinking’ when looking at landscape paintings.
  • Use your taxidermy collection to reflect on how people feel about extinction and biodiversity loss.

This exercise should take about 30 minutes.

Please record your learning in your reflection notes.