Reflecting Exercise – Public Engagement and Public Benefit

Reflect on the extent to which you feel you or your organisation behaves ethically with respect to the points outlined below. It may help you to rate them between 1-4, 1 = being not at all, and 4 = being completely.

1.1 Provide public access to, and meaningful engagement with, museums, collections, and information about collections without discrimination.

1.2 Ensure editorial integrity in programming and interpretation. Resist attempts to influence interpretation or content by particular interest groups, including lenders, donors and funders.

1.3 Support free speech and freedom of expression. Respect the right of all to express different views within the museum unless illegal to do so or inconsistent with the purpose of the museum as an inclusive public space.

1.4 Ensure that information and research presented or generated by the museum is accurate. Take steps to minimise or balance bias in research undertaken by the museum.

1.5 Acknowledge publicly that the museum benefits from all those who have contributed to the making, meaning and presence in the museum of its collections.

1.6 Work in partnership with communities, audiences, potential audiences and supporters of the museum.

1.7 Ensure that everyone has the opportunity for meaningful participation in the work of the museum.

Are there any specific examples of how your organisation has dealt with this type of ethical issue?

This should take about 30 minutes. Reflect and record your insights in your notes.