Reflecting Exercise – Empowering Collections

Reflect on your organisation. To what extent are these recommendations meaningful? Please tick the ones that apply.

1.    A culture change in collections practice
2.    A proactive approach to the democratisation and decolonisation of collections
3.    A focus on reinterpretation of out-of-date displays
4.    Research to understand public expectations of collections
5.    Strategic collecting in partnership with communities
6.    A strategic approach to online collections
7.    Use collections projects to create social impact, embed knowledge and build legacy
8.    Support partnerships and knowledge sharing
9.    Improve training and funding for the rationalisation of museum collections
10.  Improve transparency and accessibility of museum collections online
11.  Explore shared storage solutions 

Are there any specific examples of how your organisation has already addressed any these?

This should take 30 minutes. Reflect and record your insights in your notes.