Ethical Principles

Ethical Principles

The 2016 Code is grouped under three principles:

1. Public engagement and public benefit

  • actively engage and work in partnership with existing audiences and reach out to new and diverse audiences
  • treat everyone equally, with honesty and respect
  • provide and generate accurate information for and with the public
  • support freedom of speech and debate
  • use collections for public benefit – for learning, inspiration and enjoyment.

2. Stewardship of collections

  • maintain and develop collections for current and future generations
  • acquire, care for, exhibit and loan collections with transparency and competency in order to generate knowledge and engage the public with collections
  • treat museum collections as cultural, scientific or historic assets, not financial assets.

3. Individual and institutional integrity

  • act in the public interest in all areas of work
  • uphold the highest level of institutional integrity and personal conduct at all times
  • build respectful and transparent relationships with partner organisations, governing bodies, staff and volunteers to ensure public trust in the museum’s activities.

Each one of these principles will be explored in greater depth in the following sections.