Doing Exercise – Volunteer Action Centres

Visit the website or phone your local centre for volunteering, these are sometimes known as volunteers centres or voluntary action centres.

To find these centres Google:

  • ‘Volunteers centre + your local authority name’
  • ‘Voluntary Action + your local authority name’
  • ‘Resource centre’ may also yield results.

These centres will have an extensive list of local groups and organisations they support, which in turn may be potential community partners, that you can use to refine your thinking.

They may have a newsletter for local groups and organisations that you can use to raise awareness of your museum and ambitions.

They may put on local events and training days, orwebinars in periods of social distancing that you can attend to develop your thinking.

  • What are your next steps?

This exercise should take about 60 minutes.

Please record your learning in your reflection notes.