Doing Exercise – Understanding the Challenges

Consider how you and your museum or museums you are familiar with might broaden and deepen your understanding of issues faced by community organisations.

Develop a plan of action around this, that is itself sensitive to the time-constraints faced by such organisations. Consider, for example:

  • It is not usually formally part of the community groups’ work to educate museum professionals, so opportunities to learn from them need to be ‘win win,’ with the group gaining too.
  • Hold an event bringing together local community and voluntary groups.
  • Pay participants whenever possible. (This could come out of staff training budget, or equalities budget, for example).
  • Hold a discussion group, led by an independent organisation, to discuss what might draw more organisations to be interested in partnerships
  • Check what group members might find a barrier to participation. For example, formal-feeling events with presentations by experts might not work
  • Invite the group for a guided tour of a museum, followed by cake.
  • Take the manager out for lunch.
  • Volunteering for a day, or five, at community and voluntary organisations.

This should take about 30 minutes.

Please record your learning, in your reflection notes.