Doing Exercise – Project Management

Effective project management is key for relationship management and delivery. Everyone involved needs to understand the scope, the deliverables, their role and the timescales. Clear communication of planning, progress and celebration are key.

If this is an externally funded project, governance and reporting, becomes even more critical.

Identifying the skills your team has, or may need, in advance of embarking on a community based project can be the difference between success and failure, doing a project management skills assessment for yourself and for team members – is a great first step.

  • What existing experience of project management and planning do the team have?
  • What are their strengths and development needs?
  • Is there a clear protocol that should be followed within your museum, or to meet a funder or community expectation?
  • Can their development needs be met by reading, coaching or attending a course?
  • Do you have up to date project planning skills?
  • Where would you update these if needed?

This should take about 60 minutes.

Please  record your learning in your reflection notes.

You can download the Skills Assessment template to help you.