Doing Exercise – Partnership Language

Language can set the tone for a relationship. This exercise asks you to reflect on the power of language is developing a successful partnership.

This is a list of words found to ‘frame communities as passive and separate from the museum’ in the ‘Whose cake is it anyway’ report.

• we believe
• we have a responsibility
• we have a strong sense
• we can make people’s lives better
• [we are] generators of well-being
• we play a leading role
• [we] increase racial tolerance
• we nurture a sense of belonging, cohesion, identity and pride

And we:

• provide

• develop
• expand
• foster
• ensure
• target
• encourage
• promote
• pursue
• enhance
• articulate
• tell

  • What words would you use to support your messaging and engagement?
  • Equally what words may be less influential?

This exercise should take about 30 minutes.

Please record your learning in your reflection notes