Doing Exercise – Museum Asset Identification

With colleagues, peers, museum visitors, someone local you know, or a local community group you know, create a list, diagram or drawing of museum assets that might enhance the work of local community groups, charities and social enterprises. For example:

  • Indoor and outdoor spaces
  • Languages spoken locally
  • Insights into the culture and history of local communities
  • Vehicles
  • Craft, Science, Art, Carpentry, or Design skills
  • Sign-making
  • Map-making
  • Images of the collection that can link to local activity
  • Workshop-leading and training skills
  • Specialist knowledge about people’s experience of being disabled
  • Trustee skills, business planning knowledge, financial skills such as cash-flow monitoring
  • Purchasing ability for local goods and services

This exercise should take you 60 minutes.

Please  record your learning in your reflection notes.