Doing Exercise – Ethical Dilemma

An ethnographic museum is seeking financial support for a major new exhibition which is hoped to revive an ailing institution. 

A trustee of the museum has approached a contact in a major oil company whose activities are reported to have led to the degradation of lands belonging to the cultures that the museum seeks to represent. 

However, members of the management fear that going forward with this plan will lead to protests and will undermine the museum’s message. They approach the ethics committee for advice.

The company are supportive, and it looks like no other fundraising leads will be able to raise the sums of money required. 

The Code of Ethics can be found here. What advice do you give? 

This should take about 15 minutes. Please record your insights in your notes. 

The response is available as a download, as is the aligned Ethics Committee’s response to Art not Oil – a campaigning organisation about relationships with the petrochemical sector.