Cross-departmental working

In order to our maximise the effectiveness of our collections it is important that different job roles are able to access collections and associated information and that an open dialogue about their potential use exists between departments.  

Collections are increasingly used in one form or another by departments without responsibility for collections care.

Other job roles in an organisation will have opinions on how they can engage audiences with collections, use resources to generate income and maximise the visitor experience.

It is important for you to understand the way in which all departments and job roles may need to access and use collections in order to fulfil the many functions of museums.

Collections use is not limited to curatorial and collections management job roles. Other departments that may already use collections or who may wish to use them more include:

• Learning and engagement

• Marketing and social media

• Retail and income generation 

It is important that curatorial and collections staff engage with those in other departments. In smaller organisations this may already be happening out of necessity. Because collections underpin everything we do it is important to engage all staff opinions on the work that needs to be undertaken to expand their use.