Connecting Exercise – Social Media Engagement

Social media can support ccommunity partner identification, connection making and engagement.

Your museum or a museum you are familiar with, may have a specific approach to social media engagement and so the first step would be to read any relevant policies or approaches.

Many local organisations will be linked to each other through social media – especially Facebook and Twitter. One technique that works well on social media, and with email is something known as the ‘snowball’ technique. Where by putting a message out on Twitter or in an email – you invite the recipient to share it or forward it to others.

  • Create a contact lists of the pages, social media accounts and email addresses of community organisations.
  • Share this widely within your organisation, within GDPR guidance, this raises the profile of community centred work to begin to affect change in the broader organisation.
  • If you are no longer working in a museum you can continue to create lists of community organisations in your area and their digital footprint (the digital platforms they use).

This exercise should take about 60 minutes.

Please record any learning in your reflection notes.