Connecting Exercise – Placement Funding Opportunities

Employability projects and skills development may be an integral part of the community partnership.

In this exercise identify the opportunities for funded employment placements and apprenticeships within your museum.

Creative and Cultural Skills, support the UK cultural sector by shaping skills, education and employment best practice. They have guidance on skills development, internships and the current Kickstart Scheme. More information about apprenticeships can be found in Apprenticeships – a managers guide as a download.

Contact relevant organisations by email or phone to explore these opportunities and next steps to fund someone to deliver paid work for your museum.

  • You will be most successful if you are clear about what you are looking for, how it fits with your strategy and what you can offer.
  • If you have a Human Resources department explore with them opportunities for paid internships, paid traineeships or apprenticeships.
  • You may find it helpful to use your local museum network to see if anyone else has already established similar programmes for their insights and connections.

This exercise should take about 60 minutes.

Please record your learning in your reflection notes.

More information about apprenticeships can be found here: