
The final Manifesto principle is workforce – this is defined as:

Museums need a workforce that represents their communities, is respected and rewarded equally, and delivers and supports the ambitions of this Manifesto.

When people from under-represented backgrounds enter institutions, their rise to decision-making positions is often rare or short-lived because of systemic issues and unsupportive environments.

Museums must implement fair recruitment practices, create development and progression for the under-represented staff they already employ, and ensure safe spaces and support for these staff when entering the workforce and arriving in leadership roles.

A representative, creative, and supported workforce is an essential foundation for this Manifesto, and is critical to achieving its goals.

The need for a workforce which represents the communities we serve came up as a core issue in our research for the Manifesto. As outlined above, workforce representation is not simply a question of recruitment, but of organisational culture, ensuring all staff, volunteers and freelancers are safe, valued and supported to progress.

The following exercises ask you to reflect on how the workforce Manifesto principle relates to your professional practice. You will have the opportunity to watch others in the sector talk about what this principle means to them and their work.