Understanding your Collection

“Collections matter to people. The millions of objects held in museums across the UK can be sources of knowledge, pride, inspiration, controversy and opportunity for audiences, communities and researchers. But there is still huge untapped potential in these collections. Museums can do more to uncover the stories that they hold, broaden participation, and ensure their long-term relevance.”

MA Empowering Collections, 2019

We know that our institutions hold objects of intellectual, social and emotional value but we may not know exactly how to access that information. Cramped stores, documentation backlogs and a lack of expertise may all be seen as barriers to unlocking the potential of our collections but it is important not to get overwhelmed by these things but instead aim to add value wherever you can and look for opportunities to open collections up. 

Working with Collections looks at how we can use museum collections to become inclusive, participatory and socially engaged museums. There are set standards and established best practice that must be understood when using collections and having a knowledge of these can enable us to take a braver approach in our collections practice. These standards exist to help museums unlock the full potential of their collections and enable considered risk taking in the use of collections. In short the standards exist to help us use our collections and not to prevent us from undertaking socially engaged practice with them. 

The Collections Trust is an organisation that supports museum collections management practice, offering support, training and advice on museum documentation. They publish and maintain the Spectrum standard that provides minimum standards and guidelines for collections management in the UK and beyond.

In order to become an Accredited museum, Spectrum standards must be met in a number of areas and so it is vital that anyone with a responsibility for collection management is familiar with this resource.

Spectrum sets out 9 primary procedures in collections management that must be met to adhere to Accreditation standards. These are:

1.Object entry

2.Acquisition and accessioning

3.Location and movement control



6.Object exit

7.Loans in

8.Loans out

9.Documentation planning