The Journey So Far

In 2020, the Museums Association (MA) launched our new manifesto for learning and engagement, produced in partnership with the Group for Education in MuseumsEngage, and the Art Fund. The manifesto has been built on two years of research, engagement and wide-ranging consultation with those that work in and with museums. 

This work was inspired by the 20th anniversary of the publication of David Anderson’s report, A Common Wealth: Museums in the Learning Age. That report was based on extensive research and called for learning to be placed at the centre of the development of museums, leading to significant shifts in policy and practice.

The MA Board identified the need for new research into learning and engagement to look at what was happening in this field in the UK and internationally, and how the MA could better support learning and engagement work in museums.

Our research found that although there has been innovation and development, the value of learning and engagement as the core work of museums is still not fully recognised. The manifesto builds on the success of A Common Wealth and calls for all museums to play a central role in civic renewal, social change and the struggle for equity. It looks to life in society now and challenges everyone who works in and with museums to play a central role in the support and rebuilding of our communities.