Sustaining this work

Anti-racism work requires sustained action for the long-term. It needs to be embedded in a museum’s core work. As we’ve started to consider in previous sections, this work requires leadership, established processes and resourcing. Creating capacity to do the work is critical in building momentum and sustaining efforts to dismantle racism.

Racial Equity Tools discuss sustaining the work in the following quote:

“Working toward a just and equitable society requires a long-term and sustained effort. It takes time to bring people on board, agree on a plan, and put it into action. Innovating and experimenting is a critical part of the change process too. In addition, even if the strategies are implemented very well, there still might not be sufficient progress towards the racial equity goals.”

As this quote recognises, risk, creativity and a willingness to change plans are important elements of this work. We are reminded to remain committed and responsive to our goals, rather than staying fixed on one strategy or a set of processes.

Another key consideration in sustaining anti-racism work in museums is prioritising the wellbeing of those doing the work on the ground. This is of particular importance for those who have a lived experience of racism. Museum leadership, management approaches and team working must prioritise pastoral care. In creating plans and processes to move this work forward, we must build in dedicated care and support.

In the following exercises, we will consider approaches to sustain anti-racism work. In the final section, we will identify priorities and next steps for your anti-racism work.