Research and Evaluation

The next Manifesto principle is research and evaluation. This principle is defined as:

Museums should support people-centred research that responds to the challenges in society and leads to positive change.

Museums are a way of thinking, and these ways change over time. Research – purposeful, public-focused and meeting contemporary needs – is essential if museums are to be effective as centres for social justice and transformation.

Museum research is not undertaken only by specialists focusing on museum collections. New knowledge developed with the support of museums may be created and led by activist researchers using cultural resources in their own localities. This research and new understanding can be used by communities to achieve change in society.

Similar to the other Manifesto points covered in this section, the research and evaluation principle calls for a change in approach. We are encouraged to take an area of  museum practice and do differently, centring our work on people and developing new knowledge.

The following exercises ask you to reflect on how the research and evaluation manifest principles relates to your professional practice. You will have the opportunity to watch others in the sector talk about what this principle means to them and their work.