Participatory Practice Frameworks

There are a number of ways to approach participatory practice.

We have already explored Museums Change Lives and the following two approaches may support your thinking.

Power to the People

Power to the People is a framework designed to help museums understand and improve their participatory practice and community engagement.

Flexible and evidence-based, the framework aims to provide benchmarks of best practice, showcase excellence in this field and support museums to develop strong and sustainable connections to their communities. By outlining clear steps towards deeper community engagement and participation, it also aims to provide a common language for museums, funders and other stakeholders.

Our Museum

Produced by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, this resource springs from a programme that outlined organisational changes for participatory community engagement. Our Museum was informed by a Paul Hamlyn Foundation research project called ‘Whose cake is it anyway?’ This research concluded that many museums and galleries ‘bolt on’ short-term community projects to other work. Our Museum advocates an organisation-wide approach for museums and galleries working with communities.