Introduction – Anti-racism at an individual level

In this section we will consider how you can build your anti-racist practice at an individual level. We will start by considering ways to recognise, address and challenge privilege. We will move on to consider what working in solidarity can involve. Finally, we will start thinking about ways to create change on an individual level.

Efforts to dismantle racism will be an ongoing, long-term commitment for everyone. At an individual level anti-racism requires in-depth reflection, action and sustained work. The ideas outlined in this section offer ways to start doing some of this work. We strongly recommend all learners take part in detailed anti-racism training to support long-term development. We will share suggestions for ongoing training in the final section, Putting it into practice.

We recognise that learners will be at different stages in engaging with some of the ideas raised in this section. We acknowledge that learners will come from a range of backgrounds, with some having a lived experience of racism and others not.

Some of the activities in this section invite particular reflection on whiteness, white privilege and white power and may be more relevant to those who identify as white. We hope that space to engage with these ideas on some level will be useful to all learners and still offer support in building confidence around anti-racism.

By the end of this section you will:

  • Have an improved awareness of how to begin addressing privilege and power
  • Have a greater understanding of what working in solidarity can involve
  • Have a greater understanding of how to start creating change
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