
This section is all about making plans and taking action.

The previous sections provided the opportunity to increase your understanding of the Learning and Engagement Manifesto and how it can underpin museum practice.

By considering each principle alongside case studies, exercises and examples, you had the chance to reflect on how the Manifesto can be delivered. We shared the thinking, ideas and core issues that shaped the Manifesto principles.

Across all the sections, you’ve had the opportunity to look back at your own professional practice and experiences, considering how the Manifesto can be applied to your work.

This section looks at how you can further build the Manifesto’s principles into your own professional practice, affecting change in your work and in the sector as a whole.

We will look at how you can scale up your ideas and take them forward, and who you could bring with you in championing learning and engagement.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section you will:

  • Identify your next steps to apply the Manifesto to your practice.
  • Start to embed the Learning and Engagement Manifesto within your own professional practice.
  • Develop your confidence to advocate for learning and engagement within your museum and the sector as a whole.
Lesson Content
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