
Having reflected on cultural rights and cultural democracy, social justice and activism, we will now look at the next three principles of the Manifesto:

  • Community participation – Museums should develop innovative models of engagement which represent the cultural context of their communities and nations and that are brave and challenging. Community groups should be valued and fully engaged with all functions of the museum.
  • Collections – Collections belong to communities and without people museums are just storage warehouses. Collections are for public use.
  • Research and evaluation – Museums should support people-centred research that responds to the challenges in society and leads to positive change.

Our focus on social impact and change continues. The principles above map onto core areas of museum work, offering explicitly community-facing approaches and encouraging innovation in wider practice. 

By examining these principle in detail, you will have the opportunity to continue building your understanding of the Manifesto adding to your understanding of how to apply these principles to your practice.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section you will:

  • Understand how the principles of community participation, collections and research and evaluation can underpin learning and engagement practice.
  • Be aware of good practice in these areas.
  • Be able to advocate for the value of these principles in your work.
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