Empowering Collections

In 2018 the Museums Association embarked upon a major research project looking at the long-term purpose, use and management of museum collections. The research was guided by two main themes: the culture of collections – how collections can be used and what we think they are for – and infrastructure – what we need in place to make our collections effective. The research consulted with over 1,000 people from the museum sector, academia, funders and community groups to canvas opinion on the priority issues for museum collections.

As a result of the research the Museums Association published Empowering Collections which set out a strategy for museum collections over the next decade.

The research identified the main challenges faced by museums in trying to manage collections in a more dynamic way. It found that a culture of silo’d working, the size of collections holdings and a lack of resources and skills is limiting museums ability to work in new ways and that imaginative and participatory approaches are needed to ensure collections remain relevant.