
Collections reviews can often identify elements of the collections that you would seek to dispose of. This can be a daunting process for any museum professional but it is vital for the sustainability of organisations that this process takes place. Without disposal, new acquisitions will eventually be impossible as museum stores fill up and collections will cease to be relevant to audiences. It is vital that museums take a brave approach when tackling disposals.

Museums Association Disposal Toolkit

The MA has produced clear guidance on how to undertake this process ethically. It can be better to communicate the process as rehoming or recycling, at least in communications outside of the sector, as the term “disposals” often has negative connotations that doesn’t reflect the steps that are undertaken to find better homes and uses for objects. 

In 2014 the Disposal Toolkit was revised by the Museums Association in conjunction with Arts Council England, CyMAL, Museums Galleries Scotland and the Northern Ireland Museums Council. This version provides updated practical guidance for museums considering disposal. Based on the Museums Association’s Code of Ethics, the toolkit provides detailed advice on the process of identifying appropriate items for disposal, and ensuring that their removal from a museum collection is ethical.