Code of Ethics for Museums

The Museums Association is the custodian of the Code of Ethics for Museums. The first UK Code of Ethics was developed in 1977 and the most recent version was published in 2016. Whilst the ethos has remained consistent the approach and the challenges faced have evolved over time.

The 2016 Code was developed over an 18 month period and included consultation events, testing and refinement informed by current practice and reflects these changes and appreciates that change is a constant. 

For example in the 2016 version there is greater emphasis about freedom of speech and the concept of co-curation; as well as the role of social media.

The language used within the Code has also changed to reflect changes in context – it is more open and flexible as the approach taken with respect to a particular ethical situation will be affected by a range of factors and as such the Code tries to highlight the ‘could rather than should’ approach as context is key.

In addition to the Code the Museums Association has also developed additional guidance on particular situations relating to collections, audiences and communities. Links to this additional guidance will follow.