Connecting exercise – Working in coalition

Review your priority actions and next steps from the previous exercises. Start to make a list of who from your team, museum and/or networks you could work alongside in these areas.

Where possible, be specific in matching your ideas of people to work with, against specific actions.

Here are some ideas of types of groups you could connect with

  • Different colleagues and teams within your museum
  • Community partners
  • Local schools and education providers
  • Professional networks
  • Museums and heritage organisations working in this area

Spend 10 minutes noting your ideas of who you could connect with and make plans for reaching out to colleagues.

There’s space on slides 3 -7 of the downloadable Action Plan to list collaborators with your actions.

When thinking about who to connect with, stay mindful of a group’s capacity, especially those that are volunteer-led. Remember to be aware of the emotional labour this work involves for people with lived experiences of racism.