Doing exercise – Your museum

Consider to what extent your museum already takes action to dismantle racism. Work through the following prompts to assess where your museum is at:

  • What action is your museum taking? Consider the policies and statements that relate to this work. Create a list or mind-map to record your ideas.
  • Review the actions you’ve compiled of your museum’s work. Now, rank your museum’s work on anti-racism, where 1=no action and 5=established action-plan.

Keep your notes from this activity for the next exercise, where we will explore ideas to create change.

You might find it useful to refer back to your notes from the following exercises:

  • Section 4, Lesson 4 ‘Sustaining this work’ – Reflective exercise – Decision making
  • Section 4, Lesson 3 ‘Building Accountability’ – Doing exercise – Putting racial justice into practice and Reading exercise – Code of Ethics