Introduction – Putting it into practice

Throughout this module, we have been exploring ways to support anti-racism in museums. We considered what structural racism can involve and some of its impacts. We thought about anti-racism on an individual and organisational level. We reflected on institutional racism, considering how museums can build accountability and sustain anti-racism work in the long term.

In this final section, you will have the chance to reflect on the ideas covered throughout the module. The following lessons will provide space to start identifying your priorities and next steps to move this work forward.

We recognise the work of dismantling racism in museums requires strategic coordination and leadership across the sector. There is still opportunity for us as individuals and museums to do the work. Change depends on all of us acting, whatever our role, whatever our size or type of museum, wherever we are based.

By the end of this section you will:

  • Have identified priorities for your anti-racist practice
  • Have identified next steps to build your anti-racist practice
  • Have identified accountability plans to support your work in the long-term
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